Heartbreaking Songs 3. ágúst 2006 13:55 Lovísa Sigurðardóttir, söngkonan Lay Low Lovísa Elísabet is a singer/songwriter and a rising star. Her music under the alter-ego Lay Low is a wonderful blend of blues, country and folk. She was approached by Cod Music and her debut album is coming out this fall. When Lay Low is not recording her album she plays with the rock band Benny Crespo's Gang and they have been creating quite a stir.Who is Lovísa? I live under the good impression that I'm an ordinary, 23-year-old life wanderer. Born in London but raised here in Reykjavík. I do what most of us do, waste my time and money on silly things, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I've studied some music, but mostly I've been playing electric bass here and there. I'm in the band Benny Crespo's Gang playing keyboards/synths, guitar and singing and also in a blues band where I play bass. A new side of me, which I call Lay Low, has started to show its face. It's a solo project where I play and make my own music.How did it start? It all started late in the year 2005 when me and some girlfriends started a country band that we called Stardust Motel. But sadly half of the band went abroad so while they were drinking absinth in Finland and riding horses in Texas I sat at home and played my guitar and tried to make music. Didn't really want to just use my name, Lovísa. Lay Low fits with the type of music this is.How did you become a musician? Like most Icelandic youngsters I started learning the flute when I was eight years old. It didn't last very long. When I was ten my mother sent me to piano lessons, which I studied for several years. I'm in a non-denominational church where there was a need for bass player. They asked me if I could learn, and I did. That's how I started playing the guitars and bass. It's only recently that I found out that I could use my voice. For many years it was a big issue for me, I wanted to sing but thought I couldn't.What inspires you? In music making it's the things that I've experienced, things I've heard of, my family and friends, my walk of faith, kind people, beautiful places, pretty people and crushes I've had.What's your favourite music? I've got lots and lots of favourite music, but in all I like music that is honest. It can be any type of music, but it always hits me when you can feel it is honest, whatever it sounds like.How do you prepare for the stage? I don't have any ritual that I carry out before I go onstage. When I show up at the place, I like to wash my hands, have a quick look in the mirror, have a drink and tune my guitar. Then I'm ready to rumble.What are your lyrics about? I noticed the other day that most of my songs are love songs or heartbreaking songs. Kind of sounds like I'm a real hopeless romantic, I might be, guess I am. But these are just things that I feel easy about writing.Are you a rock star? Rock Star? Yes, I'd say so. But I'm not a really good rock star, behaviour-wise. Benny Crespo's Gang is a rock band, so yes, let's say I'm a rock star.What is it like being the only girl in a band with three guys? It is not that big of a deal being the only girl, well at least I can't feel it. They treat me like one of the guys and I treat them like one of the girls. Either way, it works.What's your favourite thing about life in Reykjavík? Its size. Not too big not too small.Do you watch Magni on Rockstar Supernova? Go Magni the Magni-ficent. Feature Articles Music and Nightlife News in English Mest lesið Bræður og mamma þeirra svara til saka í tugmilljóna máli Innlent „Þetta er bara klúður“ Innlent Heiða liggur enn undir feldi Innlent Hópnauðgunarmál fyrir Hæstarétt Innlent „Ég stóð með ykkur, ég stóð með ykkur!“ Innlent Fær að skila eftirlíkingunni til Páls í Pólaris Innlent Eldur í olíuflutningaskipi eftir árekstur við flutningaskip í Norðursjó Erlent Kaninn selur langmest af vopnum en framtíðin óviss Erlent Ætla að hlífa trjám þegar golfbrautir verða mótaðar á skógræktarsvæði Innlent „Mér finnst ekki mitt að svara fyrir hvað hún gerir“ Innlent
Lovísa Elísabet is a singer/songwriter and a rising star. Her music under the alter-ego Lay Low is a wonderful blend of blues, country and folk. She was approached by Cod Music and her debut album is coming out this fall. When Lay Low is not recording her album she plays with the rock band Benny Crespo's Gang and they have been creating quite a stir.Who is Lovísa? I live under the good impression that I'm an ordinary, 23-year-old life wanderer. Born in London but raised here in Reykjavík. I do what most of us do, waste my time and money on silly things, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I've studied some music, but mostly I've been playing electric bass here and there. I'm in the band Benny Crespo's Gang playing keyboards/synths, guitar and singing and also in a blues band where I play bass. A new side of me, which I call Lay Low, has started to show its face. It's a solo project where I play and make my own music.How did it start? It all started late in the year 2005 when me and some girlfriends started a country band that we called Stardust Motel. But sadly half of the band went abroad so while they were drinking absinth in Finland and riding horses in Texas I sat at home and played my guitar and tried to make music. Didn't really want to just use my name, Lovísa. Lay Low fits with the type of music this is.How did you become a musician? Like most Icelandic youngsters I started learning the flute when I was eight years old. It didn't last very long. When I was ten my mother sent me to piano lessons, which I studied for several years. I'm in a non-denominational church where there was a need for bass player. They asked me if I could learn, and I did. That's how I started playing the guitars and bass. It's only recently that I found out that I could use my voice. For many years it was a big issue for me, I wanted to sing but thought I couldn't.What inspires you? In music making it's the things that I've experienced, things I've heard of, my family and friends, my walk of faith, kind people, beautiful places, pretty people and crushes I've had.What's your favourite music? I've got lots and lots of favourite music, but in all I like music that is honest. It can be any type of music, but it always hits me when you can feel it is honest, whatever it sounds like.How do you prepare for the stage? I don't have any ritual that I carry out before I go onstage. When I show up at the place, I like to wash my hands, have a quick look in the mirror, have a drink and tune my guitar. Then I'm ready to rumble.What are your lyrics about? I noticed the other day that most of my songs are love songs or heartbreaking songs. Kind of sounds like I'm a real hopeless romantic, I might be, guess I am. But these are just things that I feel easy about writing.Are you a rock star? Rock Star? Yes, I'd say so. But I'm not a really good rock star, behaviour-wise. Benny Crespo's Gang is a rock band, so yes, let's say I'm a rock star.What is it like being the only girl in a band with three guys? It is not that big of a deal being the only girl, well at least I can't feel it. They treat me like one of the guys and I treat them like one of the girls. Either way, it works.What's your favourite thing about life in Reykjavík? Its size. Not too big not too small.Do you watch Magni on Rockstar Supernova? Go Magni the Magni-ficent.
Feature Articles Music and Nightlife News in English Mest lesið Bræður og mamma þeirra svara til saka í tugmilljóna máli Innlent „Þetta er bara klúður“ Innlent Heiða liggur enn undir feldi Innlent Hópnauðgunarmál fyrir Hæstarétt Innlent „Ég stóð með ykkur, ég stóð með ykkur!“ Innlent Fær að skila eftirlíkingunni til Páls í Pólaris Innlent Eldur í olíuflutningaskipi eftir árekstur við flutningaskip í Norðursjó Erlent Kaninn selur langmest af vopnum en framtíðin óviss Erlent Ætla að hlífa trjám þegar golfbrautir verða mótaðar á skógræktarsvæði Innlent „Mér finnst ekki mitt að svara fyrir hvað hún gerir“ Innlent