Iceland's "Dirt Cheap" Energy 12. september 2006 10:59 Fossarnir í Kringilsá samhverfa Advisors at Stansberry & Associates and have recently featured articles on Iceland's cheap energy which, according to them, is the reason that aluminium factories have set their sights on the country. In their newsletter it says that Iceland is the perfect opportunity for those in energy-heavy industries such as aluminium manufacturers, who have had to close down factories all over the world due to rising energy prices. "Iceland is the perfect opportunity for industries due to its dirt-cheap energy." PR manager for the National Power Company, Þorsteinn Hilmarsson, says that there can be no harm in raising the interest of investors in Iceland. He does, however insist, that the statements on cheap energy in Iceland are based on misunderstanding, and that Icelandic prices are at an average. " Cheap energy is on the decline. Our energy is also particularly interesting as it does not contribute to the greenhouse effect." News News in English Mest lesið Sögulegar kosningar í skugga ásælni Trumps Erlent „Mér finnst ekki mitt að svara fyrir hvað hún gerir“ Innlent Bandaríkjamenn og Úkraínumenn funda eftir munnhöggin í Hvíta húsinu Erlent Ferðalagið að engu orðið vegna reglna um trans fólk Innlent Bræður og mamma þeirra svara til saka í tugmilljóna máli Innlent Fraktskipið flutti gáma fyrir Samskip Multimodal Innlent Eldfjallafræðingur segist frekar á því að goshrinunni sé lokið Innlent Hópnauðgunarmál fyrir Hæstarétt Innlent „Þetta er bara klúður“ Innlent Heiða liggur enn undir feldi Innlent
Advisors at Stansberry & Associates and have recently featured articles on Iceland's cheap energy which, according to them, is the reason that aluminium factories have set their sights on the country. In their newsletter it says that Iceland is the perfect opportunity for those in energy-heavy industries such as aluminium manufacturers, who have had to close down factories all over the world due to rising energy prices. "Iceland is the perfect opportunity for industries due to its dirt-cheap energy." PR manager for the National Power Company, Þorsteinn Hilmarsson, says that there can be no harm in raising the interest of investors in Iceland. He does, however insist, that the statements on cheap energy in Iceland are based on misunderstanding, and that Icelandic prices are at an average. " Cheap energy is on the decline. Our energy is also particularly interesting as it does not contribute to the greenhouse effect."
News News in English Mest lesið Sögulegar kosningar í skugga ásælni Trumps Erlent „Mér finnst ekki mitt að svara fyrir hvað hún gerir“ Innlent Bandaríkjamenn og Úkraínumenn funda eftir munnhöggin í Hvíta húsinu Erlent Ferðalagið að engu orðið vegna reglna um trans fólk Innlent Bræður og mamma þeirra svara til saka í tugmilljóna máli Innlent Fraktskipið flutti gáma fyrir Samskip Multimodal Innlent Eldfjallafræðingur segist frekar á því að goshrinunni sé lokið Innlent Hópnauðgunarmál fyrir Hæstarétt Innlent „Þetta er bara klúður“ Innlent Heiða liggur enn undir feldi Innlent