Icelandic two year old rocks an Ed Sheeran song along with his mum's boyfriend By Kolbeinn Tumi Daðason 18. mars 2015 18:12 Heiðar Ingi and Daníel Breki. Two of a kind. Icelandic youngster Daníel Breki McCollough, who turned two last November, has become an Internet sensation. A video of him singing along to Thinking out Loud with Ed Sheeran has become a hit amongst people world wide. It's not only his cute singing and guitar moves that has gathered attention but also the singing of his mum's boyfriend Heiðar Ingi Árnason.Post by The LAD Bible.Daníel Breki's mother Aldís Björk Óskarsdóttir tells DV the small one is a fan of Ed Sheeran like herself and Heiðar Ingi. It's not the first time a video of the two goes viral. They recorded a cover of Sam Smith's hit Lay Me Down in February. Aldís Björk tells DV that they have gotten so used to little Daníel Breki's talent that the response to today's video was quite shocking. She explains that the main reason for recording the videos is to show her brother who lives in London. Aldís Björk and Heiðar Ingi plan to attend a concert with Ed Sheeran this summer. Daníel Breki will not get to got this time but surely in a few years time. The couple have seen Sheeran in action once before. For those interested Heiðar Ingi has his own Facebook fan page where users can see more of his great performances. News in English Mest lesið Óttast um örlög farþega eftir árekstur flugvélar og þyrlu í Washington Erlent Kóranbrennumaður skotinn til bana í beinni í Svíþjóð Erlent Starfsemin sé ekki tryggð miðað við núverandi framlög Innlent Segja formann fræðslunefndar hafa brotið siðareglur Innlent Gruna að DeepSeek byggi á gögnum ChatGPT Erlent UNRWA hættir líklega allri starfsemi á Gasa og Vesturbakkanum í dag Erlent Öllum heilsast vel eftir fæðingu í háloftunum Innlent Eldgosin í stærri kantinum verði þau við flekamótin Innlent Gengur í storm með slyddu eða snjókomu Veður Tafir á Reykjanesbraut og víða óvissustig Innlent
Icelandic youngster Daníel Breki McCollough, who turned two last November, has become an Internet sensation. A video of him singing along to Thinking out Loud with Ed Sheeran has become a hit amongst people world wide. It's not only his cute singing and guitar moves that has gathered attention but also the singing of his mum's boyfriend Heiðar Ingi Árnason.Post by The LAD Bible.Daníel Breki's mother Aldís Björk Óskarsdóttir tells DV the small one is a fan of Ed Sheeran like herself and Heiðar Ingi. It's not the first time a video of the two goes viral. They recorded a cover of Sam Smith's hit Lay Me Down in February. Aldís Björk tells DV that they have gotten so used to little Daníel Breki's talent that the response to today's video was quite shocking. She explains that the main reason for recording the videos is to show her brother who lives in London. Aldís Björk and Heiðar Ingi plan to attend a concert with Ed Sheeran this summer. Daníel Breki will not get to got this time but surely in a few years time. The couple have seen Sheeran in action once before. For those interested Heiðar Ingi has his own Facebook fan page where users can see more of his great performances.
News in English Mest lesið Óttast um örlög farþega eftir árekstur flugvélar og þyrlu í Washington Erlent Kóranbrennumaður skotinn til bana í beinni í Svíþjóð Erlent Starfsemin sé ekki tryggð miðað við núverandi framlög Innlent Segja formann fræðslunefndar hafa brotið siðareglur Innlent Gruna að DeepSeek byggi á gögnum ChatGPT Erlent UNRWA hættir líklega allri starfsemi á Gasa og Vesturbakkanum í dag Erlent Öllum heilsast vel eftir fæðingu í háloftunum Innlent Eldgosin í stærri kantinum verði þau við flekamótin Innlent Gengur í storm með slyddu eða snjókomu Veður Tafir á Reykjanesbraut og víða óvissustig Innlent