Streetstyle: Hákon Pálsson 21. júní 2006 00:01 Hákon Pálsson What are you wearing today? I'm wearing my graduation suit pants. I think I got them from Topshop. I'm wearing the cowboy boots I got when I was in advertising for some bank. They came from Spúútnik. The shirt is customized, the only one of its kind in the world. My friend Benjamin made it. He's a wanderer and a hairdresser who ended up in Iceland for a few months. He gave me this shirt when he moved to Denmark. It's a heart on there. And I'm wearing my leather jacket, I don't remember where I bought it but I always travel in it. I've been all over in this jacket. It's my Indiana Jones jacket. It's made for adventure, breaking into pyramids and then dozing off on some vessel. That sort of thing.Describe your personal style.A bit of this and that.Who is your style icon?That would be Carl Barât from the Libertines. He's très cool. Tight jeans and leather jackets, then throw in a tie or a scarf from time to time. That's my kinda thing. The rock 'n' roll look but still stylish.Where do you shop for clothes in Reykjavík? If I had the money I would be at the Comme des Garçons store and Kronkron all the time. But for cheaper clothes Elvis is a great store.Your favourite shop abroad?I never know where to go so I always end up in weird designer stores. Only thing I know is that you can't get tight jeans in New York. I just spent a week trying to locate a pair there.What's your favourite piece of clothing?Very tight jeans.Do you have a favourite designer? Not really. I always like best what the kids here in Iceland make.Style no-no's? There are so many. Today's style no-no's will be kitsch and cool in one week. So don't worry about the no-no's.What's your style advice?More tight jeans. And guys get big and ugly behinds from playing football so they should stop. -hbv News in English Shopping and fashion Mest lesið Bræður og mamma þeirra svara til saka í tugmilljóna máli Innlent „Þetta er bara klúður“ Innlent Heiða liggur enn undir feldi Innlent „Ég stóð með ykkur, ég stóð með ykkur!“ Innlent Hópnauðgunarmál fyrir Hæstarétt Innlent Fær að skila eftirlíkingunni til Páls í Pólaris Innlent Eldur í olíuflutningaskipi eftir árekstur við flutningaskip í Norðursjó Erlent Kaninn selur langmest af vopnum en framtíðin óviss Erlent Ætla að hlífa trjám þegar golfbrautir verða mótaðar á skógræktarsvæði Innlent Íslendingur á áttræðisaldri lést í slysinu í Berufirði Innlent
What are you wearing today? I'm wearing my graduation suit pants. I think I got them from Topshop. I'm wearing the cowboy boots I got when I was in advertising for some bank. They came from Spúútnik. The shirt is customized, the only one of its kind in the world. My friend Benjamin made it. He's a wanderer and a hairdresser who ended up in Iceland for a few months. He gave me this shirt when he moved to Denmark. It's a heart on there. And I'm wearing my leather jacket, I don't remember where I bought it but I always travel in it. I've been all over in this jacket. It's my Indiana Jones jacket. It's made for adventure, breaking into pyramids and then dozing off on some vessel. That sort of thing.Describe your personal style.A bit of this and that.Who is your style icon?That would be Carl Barât from the Libertines. He's très cool. Tight jeans and leather jackets, then throw in a tie or a scarf from time to time. That's my kinda thing. The rock 'n' roll look but still stylish.Where do you shop for clothes in Reykjavík? If I had the money I would be at the Comme des Garçons store and Kronkron all the time. But for cheaper clothes Elvis is a great store.Your favourite shop abroad?I never know where to go so I always end up in weird designer stores. Only thing I know is that you can't get tight jeans in New York. I just spent a week trying to locate a pair there.What's your favourite piece of clothing?Very tight jeans.Do you have a favourite designer? Not really. I always like best what the kids here in Iceland make.Style no-no's? There are so many. Today's style no-no's will be kitsch and cool in one week. So don't worry about the no-no's.What's your style advice?More tight jeans. And guys get big and ugly behinds from playing football so they should stop. -hbv
News in English Shopping and fashion Mest lesið Bræður og mamma þeirra svara til saka í tugmilljóna máli Innlent „Þetta er bara klúður“ Innlent Heiða liggur enn undir feldi Innlent „Ég stóð með ykkur, ég stóð með ykkur!“ Innlent Hópnauðgunarmál fyrir Hæstarétt Innlent Fær að skila eftirlíkingunni til Páls í Pólaris Innlent Eldur í olíuflutningaskipi eftir árekstur við flutningaskip í Norðursjó Erlent Kaninn selur langmest af vopnum en framtíðin óviss Erlent Ætla að hlífa trjám þegar golfbrautir verða mótaðar á skógræktarsvæði Innlent Íslendingur á áttræðisaldri lést í slysinu í Berufirði Innlent