French Skippers and French Days 6. júlí 2006 13:07 The annual Skippers d Islande race is currently taking place, a boat race from Paimpol in France to Reykjavík, Iceland. The race was founded to commemorate the French fishermen who came to Iceland at the end of the nineteenth century to fish. The boat race set off from France on June 24th and the skippers arrived in Reykjavik yesterday. Today the Alliance Francaise invites them to a welcome drink and the crews of the boats will walk up the Laugavegur main shopping street at 18.30. On Friday and Saturday "French Days" will be taking place in the city, a promotion of French products organised by the French-Icelandic Chamber of Commerce. The boats leave for Grundarfjörður, west Iceland on Saturday at 13.00 and return to France on July 21st to finish the race. For further info visit News News in English Mest lesið Bræður og mamma þeirra svara til saka í tugmilljóna máli Innlent Barn á öðru aldursári lést Innlent „Þetta er bara klúður“ Innlent Heiða liggur enn undir feldi Innlent Notuðu óvirka gaslögn til að koma aftan að Úkraínumönnum Erlent „Ég stóð með ykkur, ég stóð með ykkur!“ Innlent Bænastund vegna banaslyss við Flúðir Innlent Einn látinn eftir árekstur í Berufirði Innlent Trump dregur úr völdum Musk eftir hitafund Erlent Hópnauðgunarmál fyrir Hæstarétt Innlent
The annual Skippers d Islande race is currently taking place, a boat race from Paimpol in France to Reykjavík, Iceland. The race was founded to commemorate the French fishermen who came to Iceland at the end of the nineteenth century to fish. The boat race set off from France on June 24th and the skippers arrived in Reykjavik yesterday. Today the Alliance Francaise invites them to a welcome drink and the crews of the boats will walk up the Laugavegur main shopping street at 18.30. On Friday and Saturday "French Days" will be taking place in the city, a promotion of French products organised by the French-Icelandic Chamber of Commerce. The boats leave for Grundarfjörður, west Iceland on Saturday at 13.00 and return to France on July 21st to finish the race. For further info visit
News News in English Mest lesið Bræður og mamma þeirra svara til saka í tugmilljóna máli Innlent Barn á öðru aldursári lést Innlent „Þetta er bara klúður“ Innlent Heiða liggur enn undir feldi Innlent Notuðu óvirka gaslögn til að koma aftan að Úkraínumönnum Erlent „Ég stóð með ykkur, ég stóð með ykkur!“ Innlent Bænastund vegna banaslyss við Flúðir Innlent Einn látinn eftir árekstur í Berufirði Innlent Trump dregur úr völdum Musk eftir hitafund Erlent Hópnauðgunarmál fyrir Hæstarétt Innlent