100.000 people attended Culture Night 21. ágúst 2006 11:03 The police estimate that 100.000 people came to the city centre when Culture Night was held on Saturday. Despite a large crowd the police state that festivities went well and drinking was at the same level as last year. Most people showed up for the fireworks, around 10:30, and when the show was over most guests returned home. The police estimates that about 20.000 people stayed down town after the Culture Night was officially over, most of them were youngsters, some alcohol was taken from them and some parents were called to pick up their kids. News News in English Mest lesið Sögulegar kosningar í skugga ásælni Trumps Erlent „Mér finnst ekki mitt að svara fyrir hvað hún gerir“ Innlent Ferðalagið að engu orðið vegna reglna um trans fólk Innlent Fraktskipið flutti gáma fyrir Samskip Multimodal Innlent Bandaríkjamenn og Úkraínumenn funda eftir munnhöggin í Hvíta húsinu Erlent Bræður og mamma þeirra svara til saka í tugmilljóna máli Innlent Eldfjallafræðingur segist frekar á því að goshrinunni sé lokið Innlent Duterte sakaður um glæpi gegn mannkyninu og handtekinn í Manila Erlent Hópnauðgunarmál fyrir Hæstarétt Innlent Bankastrætismenn fengu nei frá Hæstarétti Innlent
The police estimate that 100.000 people came to the city centre when Culture Night was held on Saturday. Despite a large crowd the police state that festivities went well and drinking was at the same level as last year. Most people showed up for the fireworks, around 10:30, and when the show was over most guests returned home. The police estimates that about 20.000 people stayed down town after the Culture Night was officially over, most of them were youngsters, some alcohol was taken from them and some parents were called to pick up their kids.
News News in English Mest lesið Sögulegar kosningar í skugga ásælni Trumps Erlent „Mér finnst ekki mitt að svara fyrir hvað hún gerir“ Innlent Ferðalagið að engu orðið vegna reglna um trans fólk Innlent Fraktskipið flutti gáma fyrir Samskip Multimodal Innlent Bandaríkjamenn og Úkraínumenn funda eftir munnhöggin í Hvíta húsinu Erlent Bræður og mamma þeirra svara til saka í tugmilljóna máli Innlent Eldfjallafræðingur segist frekar á því að goshrinunni sé lokið Innlent Duterte sakaður um glæpi gegn mannkyninu og handtekinn í Manila Erlent Hópnauðgunarmál fyrir Hæstarétt Innlent Bankastrætismenn fengu nei frá Hæstarétti Innlent