TV chef cooks for LA rockers 12. september 2006 11:33 Völli Snær Icelandic TV chef Völli Snær, who also owns a restaurants in the Bahamas, conjured up a gourmet dinner for the remaining contestants in Rock Star Supernova on Sunday night. The idea of bringing Völli Snær over to Los Angeles came from Iceland Naturally, who organise sponsored events around the US to introduce Icelandic products. " I had torches lit all around the dining area to make it more romantic," says Snær on the event. " I had brought some Reyka Vodka over and made cucumber Martini's. The starter was Icelandic salmon in a yoghurt and walnut sauce, and main course was Icelandic lamb and halibut, followed by Skyr." The amicable chef had also brought more hard-core Icelandic foodstuffs such as sheep's head and rotten shark. "When Magni heard about that he wanted his friends to try them out. They didn't like it at all, but Dilana was ok about the shark." Magni is one of the four contestants left on the US reality show and tonight is the last episode which will determine which one of the contestants will join rock group Supernova. News in English Rock Star Supernova Mest lesið Tollaákvarðanir Trump tóku gildi á miðnætti og Kína svarar fyrir sig Erlent Bandaríkjamenn setja vopnasendingar á bið Erlent Ísland gæti orðið leiðandi í notkun hugvíkkandi efna Innlent Icelandair hættir flugi til Ísafjarðar Innlent Þungt haldinn eftir að hafa farið í sjóinn Innlent Telur einnar nætur virði að reyna að fá Spasskí Innlent Kennari mun ekki hlýða snjallsímabanni í skólum Innlent Kona féll fram af svölum fjölbýlishúss í Breiðholti Innlent Slegin óhug vegna eyðileggingarmáttar náttúruaflanna Innlent Páfinn glímir við mikil öndunarvandræði en þó með meðvitund Erlent
Icelandic TV chef Völli Snær, who also owns a restaurants in the Bahamas, conjured up a gourmet dinner for the remaining contestants in Rock Star Supernova on Sunday night. The idea of bringing Völli Snær over to Los Angeles came from Iceland Naturally, who organise sponsored events around the US to introduce Icelandic products. " I had torches lit all around the dining area to make it more romantic," says Snær on the event. " I had brought some Reyka Vodka over and made cucumber Martini's. The starter was Icelandic salmon in a yoghurt and walnut sauce, and main course was Icelandic lamb and halibut, followed by Skyr." The amicable chef had also brought more hard-core Icelandic foodstuffs such as sheep's head and rotten shark. "When Magni heard about that he wanted his friends to try them out. They didn't like it at all, but Dilana was ok about the shark." Magni is one of the four contestants left on the US reality show and tonight is the last episode which will determine which one of the contestants will join rock group Supernova.
News in English Rock Star Supernova Mest lesið Tollaákvarðanir Trump tóku gildi á miðnætti og Kína svarar fyrir sig Erlent Bandaríkjamenn setja vopnasendingar á bið Erlent Ísland gæti orðið leiðandi í notkun hugvíkkandi efna Innlent Icelandair hættir flugi til Ísafjarðar Innlent Þungt haldinn eftir að hafa farið í sjóinn Innlent Telur einnar nætur virði að reyna að fá Spasskí Innlent Kennari mun ekki hlýða snjallsímabanni í skólum Innlent Kona féll fram af svölum fjölbýlishúss í Breiðholti Innlent Slegin óhug vegna eyðileggingarmáttar náttúruaflanna Innlent Páfinn glímir við mikil öndunarvandræði en þó með meðvitund Erlent