Liborius: Coolest of the cool 28. nóvember 2006 14:07 Liborius fashion store has been gathering a lot of attention despite being only one month old. The website put Liborius on a list of the coolest things in the world today. The website, as the name reveals, updates readers on what is new and cool in the world today. It can be shops, music or travel destinations, and everything else. Therefore, it's an honor for Liborius to be on the list. Liborius is owned by Jón Sæmundur Auðarsson and the stylist Hrafnhildur Hólmgeirsdóttir does the retail. On it says that Liborius serves as Reykjavik's fashion feeding ground and that Jón Sæmundur is famous for his own clothing label Dead also sold at Liborius. When a contributor got a hold of Jón Sæmundur, he was excited to be featured on the cool list and said that the shop has been doing better than they dared to hope in the first month. Liborius is not just a clothing store, it is also venue for in-store performances by some of Jón Sæmundur's favorite local Liborius, Mýrargata, 101 Reykjavik, Feature Articles News in English Shopping and fashion Mest lesið Bræður og mamma þeirra svara til saka í tugmilljóna máli Innlent „Þetta er bara klúður“ Innlent Heiða liggur enn undir feldi Innlent „Ég stóð með ykkur, ég stóð með ykkur!“ Innlent Hópnauðgunarmál fyrir Hæstarétt Innlent Fær að skila eftirlíkingunni til Páls í Pólaris Innlent Eldur í olíuflutningaskipi eftir árekstur við flutningaskip í Norðursjó Erlent Kaninn selur langmest af vopnum en framtíðin óviss Erlent Ætla að hlífa trjám þegar golfbrautir verða mótaðar á skógræktarsvæði Innlent Íslendingur á áttræðisaldri lést í slysinu í Berufirði Innlent
Liborius fashion store has been gathering a lot of attention despite being only one month old. The website put Liborius on a list of the coolest things in the world today. The website, as the name reveals, updates readers on what is new and cool in the world today. It can be shops, music or travel destinations, and everything else. Therefore, it's an honor for Liborius to be on the list. Liborius is owned by Jón Sæmundur Auðarsson and the stylist Hrafnhildur Hólmgeirsdóttir does the retail. On it says that Liborius serves as Reykjavik's fashion feeding ground and that Jón Sæmundur is famous for his own clothing label Dead also sold at Liborius. When a contributor got a hold of Jón Sæmundur, he was excited to be featured on the cool list and said that the shop has been doing better than they dared to hope in the first month. Liborius is not just a clothing store, it is also venue for in-store performances by some of Jón Sæmundur's favorite local Liborius, Mýrargata, 101 Reykjavik,
Feature Articles News in English Shopping and fashion Mest lesið Bræður og mamma þeirra svara til saka í tugmilljóna máli Innlent „Þetta er bara klúður“ Innlent Heiða liggur enn undir feldi Innlent „Ég stóð með ykkur, ég stóð með ykkur!“ Innlent Hópnauðgunarmál fyrir Hæstarétt Innlent Fær að skila eftirlíkingunni til Páls í Pólaris Innlent Eldur í olíuflutningaskipi eftir árekstur við flutningaskip í Norðursjó Erlent Kaninn selur langmest af vopnum en framtíðin óviss Erlent Ætla að hlífa trjám þegar golfbrautir verða mótaðar á skógræktarsvæði Innlent Íslendingur á áttræðisaldri lést í slysinu í Berufirði Innlent