People of Airwaves: Missed her favourite band By Þórhildur Þorkelsdóttir 7. nóvember 2014 19:33 Joelle from Wisconsin. VÍSIR/ANDRI MARÍNÓ Joelle is from Wisconsin and works as a writer. This is her first trip to Iceland, but her best friend lives here. "I've listened to a lot of Sigur Rós and Björk but then I discovered the band Agent Fresco a few months ago. I completely fell in love with their music so I decided to come to Airwaves to see them," she says. Unfortunately she missed their performance last night due to the long line in front, but she didn't realize that there would be so many people. "It was disappointing at first, but fortunately many bands have multiple performances during the festival so I intend to catch them again. Then I'll make sure to be there on time, maybe even a few hours earlier," she said with a smile on her face. News in English Mest lesið Óttast um örlög farþega eftir árekstur flugvélar og þyrlu í Washington Erlent Starfsemin sé ekki tryggð miðað við núverandi framlög Innlent Segja formann fræðslunefndar hafa brotið siðareglur Innlent Kóranbrennumaður skotinn til bana í beinni í Svíþjóð Erlent Gruna að DeepSeek byggi á gögnum ChatGPT Erlent UNRWA hættir líklega allri starfsemi á Gasa og Vesturbakkanum í dag Erlent Öllum heilsast vel eftir fæðingu í háloftunum Innlent Eldgosin í stærri kantinum verði þau við flekamótin Innlent Gengur í storm með slyddu eða snjókomu Veður Vill senda þrjátíu þúsund innflytjendur til Guantánamo Erlent
Joelle is from Wisconsin and works as a writer. This is her first trip to Iceland, but her best friend lives here. "I've listened to a lot of Sigur Rós and Björk but then I discovered the band Agent Fresco a few months ago. I completely fell in love with their music so I decided to come to Airwaves to see them," she says. Unfortunately she missed their performance last night due to the long line in front, but she didn't realize that there would be so many people. "It was disappointing at first, but fortunately many bands have multiple performances during the festival so I intend to catch them again. Then I'll make sure to be there on time, maybe even a few hours earlier," she said with a smile on her face.
News in English Mest lesið Óttast um örlög farþega eftir árekstur flugvélar og þyrlu í Washington Erlent Starfsemin sé ekki tryggð miðað við núverandi framlög Innlent Segja formann fræðslunefndar hafa brotið siðareglur Innlent Kóranbrennumaður skotinn til bana í beinni í Svíþjóð Erlent Gruna að DeepSeek byggi á gögnum ChatGPT Erlent UNRWA hættir líklega allri starfsemi á Gasa og Vesturbakkanum í dag Erlent Öllum heilsast vel eftir fæðingu í háloftunum Innlent Eldgosin í stærri kantinum verði þau við flekamótin Innlent Gengur í storm með slyddu eða snjókomu Veður Vill senda þrjátíu þúsund innflytjendur til Guantánamo Erlent