People of Airwaves: Missed her favourite band By Þórhildur Þorkelsdóttir 7. nóvember 2014 19:33 Joelle from Wisconsin. VÍSIR/ANDRI MARÍNÓ Joelle is from Wisconsin and works as a writer. This is her first trip to Iceland, but her best friend lives here. "I've listened to a lot of Sigur Rós and Björk but then I discovered the band Agent Fresco a few months ago. I completely fell in love with their music so I decided to come to Airwaves to see them," she says. Unfortunately she missed their performance last night due to the long line in front, but she didn't realize that there would be so many people. "It was disappointing at first, but fortunately many bands have multiple performances during the festival so I intend to catch them again. Then I'll make sure to be there on time, maybe even a few hours earlier," she said with a smile on her face. News in English Mest lesið Vaktin: Fannst þungt haldinn í Gufunesi og lést skömmu síðar Innlent Stórfelldur laxadauði í Berufirði Innlent Leita enn sönnunargagna og rannsaka bílinn sem var notaður Innlent Rússar gefa lítið fyrir niðurstöðu fundar Bandaríkjanna og Úkraínu Erlent Framstuðarinn horfinn í morgun: „Ég á enga óvini svo ég viti til“ Innlent Hörfa frá Kúrsk Erlent Demokraatit og Naleraq stærstir eftir kosningarnar á Grænlandi Erlent Tollar Trump á stál og ál taka gildi Erlent Var útskrifaður og lifði með gervihjarta í yfir 100 daga Erlent Mætt í sína fyrstu opinberu heimsókn innanlands Innlent
Joelle is from Wisconsin and works as a writer. This is her first trip to Iceland, but her best friend lives here. "I've listened to a lot of Sigur Rós and Björk but then I discovered the band Agent Fresco a few months ago. I completely fell in love with their music so I decided to come to Airwaves to see them," she says. Unfortunately she missed their performance last night due to the long line in front, but she didn't realize that there would be so many people. "It was disappointing at first, but fortunately many bands have multiple performances during the festival so I intend to catch them again. Then I'll make sure to be there on time, maybe even a few hours earlier," she said with a smile on her face.
News in English Mest lesið Vaktin: Fannst þungt haldinn í Gufunesi og lést skömmu síðar Innlent Stórfelldur laxadauði í Berufirði Innlent Leita enn sönnunargagna og rannsaka bílinn sem var notaður Innlent Rússar gefa lítið fyrir niðurstöðu fundar Bandaríkjanna og Úkraínu Erlent Framstuðarinn horfinn í morgun: „Ég á enga óvini svo ég viti til“ Innlent Hörfa frá Kúrsk Erlent Demokraatit og Naleraq stærstir eftir kosningarnar á Grænlandi Erlent Tollar Trump á stál og ál taka gildi Erlent Var útskrifaður og lifði með gervihjarta í yfir 100 daga Erlent Mætt í sína fyrstu opinberu heimsókn innanlands Innlent