Jóhannsson the first Icelander to receive a Golden Globe award By Kolbeinn Tumi Daðason 12. janúar 2015 10:27 Jóhannsson is the first Icelander to receive the award but singer Björk is the other Icelandic person to receive a nomination. Vísir/Getty Icelandic musician Jóhann Jóhannsson won the Best Original Score Golden Globe for "The Theory of Everything" at the 72nd Golden Globes at the Beverly Hills hotel in Los Angeles last night. The Theory Of Everything received two gongs with Eddie Remayne winning Best Actor in a Drama. Jóhannsson is the first Icelander to receive the award but singer Björk is the other Icelandic person to receive a nomination. Björk was in 2000 nominated as best actress and for best song in her role as Selma Jezkova in Dancer in the Dark. The Theory Of Everything was second with two gongs, one for Eddie Redmayne who was named Best Actor in a Drama and another for Icelandic composer Jóhann Jóhannsson for Best Score. Below is Jóhannsson's thank you speach along with the score. Golden Globes News in English Mest lesið Ýmislegt hægt að lesa í mætingu á fund Áslaugar Innlent Stærsta kristal-amfetamínmál sögunnar: Sagði bílinn fluttan inn vegna kvikmyndaverkefnis Innlent „Já, líklega hef ég verið undrabarn“ Innlent Áslaug ætlar í formanninn Innlent Allir starfsmenn VG missa vinnuna seinna á árinu Innlent Sleðar bannaðir á opnunartíma: „Leið eins og maður væri ekki velkominn“ Innlent Enginn megi vera krýndur formaður Innlent Byssumaðurinn hafi miðað á aðra í hópnum Innlent Musk birtist óvænt og ávarpaði samkomu fjarhægrimanna Erlent Þarf að taka fjölskylduna inn í myndina Innlent
Icelandic musician Jóhann Jóhannsson won the Best Original Score Golden Globe for "The Theory of Everything" at the 72nd Golden Globes at the Beverly Hills hotel in Los Angeles last night. The Theory Of Everything received two gongs with Eddie Remayne winning Best Actor in a Drama. Jóhannsson is the first Icelander to receive the award but singer Björk is the other Icelandic person to receive a nomination. Björk was in 2000 nominated as best actress and for best song in her role as Selma Jezkova in Dancer in the Dark. The Theory Of Everything was second with two gongs, one for Eddie Redmayne who was named Best Actor in a Drama and another for Icelandic composer Jóhann Jóhannsson for Best Score. Below is Jóhannsson's thank you speach along with the score.
Golden Globes News in English Mest lesið Ýmislegt hægt að lesa í mætingu á fund Áslaugar Innlent Stærsta kristal-amfetamínmál sögunnar: Sagði bílinn fluttan inn vegna kvikmyndaverkefnis Innlent „Já, líklega hef ég verið undrabarn“ Innlent Áslaug ætlar í formanninn Innlent Allir starfsmenn VG missa vinnuna seinna á árinu Innlent Sleðar bannaðir á opnunartíma: „Leið eins og maður væri ekki velkominn“ Innlent Enginn megi vera krýndur formaður Innlent Byssumaðurinn hafi miðað á aðra í hópnum Innlent Musk birtist óvænt og ávarpaði samkomu fjarhægrimanna Erlent Þarf að taka fjölskylduna inn í myndina Innlent
Stærsta kristal-amfetamínmál sögunnar: Sagði bílinn fluttan inn vegna kvikmyndaverkefnis Innlent
Stærsta kristal-amfetamínmál sögunnar: Sagði bílinn fluttan inn vegna kvikmyndaverkefnis Innlent