Thank foreign workers 7. nóvember 2006 12:24 Fish processing plant in Siglufjörður Óskar Þór Karlsson believes that many companies in Iceland would have had to take their business and production to other parts of the world if there had not been foreign labour in this country. For example most fish processing plants rely on foreign workers. Óskar claims in an article that he wrote in the Fishing News magazine that fish processing in this country would not be the same without all these workers. „The fish would be exported unprocessed if these workers were not here, which would reduce the value of the product," he says. „The Icelandic society should therefore thank all the foreign workers who have come to this country to work." News News in English Mest lesið Fimm í haldi vegna rannsóknar á andláti Innlent Stúlkan er fundin Innlent Tæplega tvö hundruð farþegar í gíslingu Erlent Duterte sakaður um glæpi gegn mannkyninu og handtekinn í Manila Erlent Umfangsmiki drónaárás á Moskvu í nótt Erlent „Mér finnst ekki mitt að svara fyrir hvað hún gerir“ Innlent Ferðalagið að engu orðið vegna reglna um trans fólk Innlent Þegar Duterte vonaði að Íslendingar frysu í hel Erlent Rýnt í stöðuna í Úkraínu: Í vandræðum í Kúrsk en bætt staða í austri Erlent Bjarni Þór segir Höllu keyra á aldursfordómum í kosningabaráttu Innlent
Óskar Þór Karlsson believes that many companies in Iceland would have had to take their business and production to other parts of the world if there had not been foreign labour in this country. For example most fish processing plants rely on foreign workers. Óskar claims in an article that he wrote in the Fishing News magazine that fish processing in this country would not be the same without all these workers. „The fish would be exported unprocessed if these workers were not here, which would reduce the value of the product," he says. „The Icelandic society should therefore thank all the foreign workers who have come to this country to work."
News News in English Mest lesið Fimm í haldi vegna rannsóknar á andláti Innlent Stúlkan er fundin Innlent Tæplega tvö hundruð farþegar í gíslingu Erlent Duterte sakaður um glæpi gegn mannkyninu og handtekinn í Manila Erlent Umfangsmiki drónaárás á Moskvu í nótt Erlent „Mér finnst ekki mitt að svara fyrir hvað hún gerir“ Innlent Ferðalagið að engu orðið vegna reglna um trans fólk Innlent Þegar Duterte vonaði að Íslendingar frysu í hel Erlent Rýnt í stöðuna í Úkraínu: Í vandræðum í Kúrsk en bætt staða í austri Erlent Bjarni Þór segir Höllu keyra á aldursfordómum í kosningabaráttu Innlent