The Sugarcubes are back! 19. september 2006 10:27 To celebrate the twenty years since Sugarcubes released their first single Birthday they will come together to play a Birthday concert in Laugardalshöll on November 17th. The concert also marks the anniversary of the Bad Taste record label that also celebrates twenty years. "In stead of throwing an all day concert with a lot of bands we decided to get the Sugarcubes together for one gig," says the Sugarcubes' drummer Sigtryggur Baldursson. Birthday was released on November 21st 1986. In Britain it went straight to the top of the independent charts and marked the beginning of the Sugarcubes tremendous success and the birth of Bad Taste Records under the slogan "world conquer or death." The Sugarcubes last concert took place on November 18th 1992. Sigtryggur says they never planned on getting back together however, "luckily we have all been very busy doing or own stuff but the idea came up in discussions about the anniversary." Sigtryggur was surprised that everyone was eager to get together for this gig although they don't plan on more gigs. "It's nostalgia on our part, just getting together and playing these old songs." FL Group has decided to sponsor the Sugarcubes and this anniversary. It is fair to say that the Sugarcubes with Björk as lead singer started the trend of Icelandic bands going abroad and has been very influential in bringing tourists to the country. News News in English Mest lesið Vaktin: Hin grunuðu talin tengjast tálbeituhópum Innlent Framstuðarinn horfinn í morgun: „Ég á enga óvini svo ég viti til“ Innlent Svefnlyf ávanabindandi og auki hættu á heilabilun Innlent Tveir kaflar að Látrabjargi lagfærðir fyrir almyrkvann Innlent „Núna reynir auðvitað á Rússa“ Innlent Maður handtekinn en kona flúði í máli sem tengist andlátinu Innlent Nokkur hinna handteknu tengjast tálbeituhópum Innlent Úkraína samþykkir tillögu um vopnahlé Erlent Bræður og mamma þeirra svara til saka í tugmilljóna máli Innlent Stúlkan er fundin Innlent
To celebrate the twenty years since Sugarcubes released their first single Birthday they will come together to play a Birthday concert in Laugardalshöll on November 17th. The concert also marks the anniversary of the Bad Taste record label that also celebrates twenty years. "In stead of throwing an all day concert with a lot of bands we decided to get the Sugarcubes together for one gig," says the Sugarcubes' drummer Sigtryggur Baldursson. Birthday was released on November 21st 1986. In Britain it went straight to the top of the independent charts and marked the beginning of the Sugarcubes tremendous success and the birth of Bad Taste Records under the slogan "world conquer or death." The Sugarcubes last concert took place on November 18th 1992. Sigtryggur says they never planned on getting back together however, "luckily we have all been very busy doing or own stuff but the idea came up in discussions about the anniversary." Sigtryggur was surprised that everyone was eager to get together for this gig although they don't plan on more gigs. "It's nostalgia on our part, just getting together and playing these old songs." FL Group has decided to sponsor the Sugarcubes and this anniversary. It is fair to say that the Sugarcubes with Björk as lead singer started the trend of Icelandic bands going abroad and has been very influential in bringing tourists to the country.
News News in English Mest lesið Vaktin: Hin grunuðu talin tengjast tálbeituhópum Innlent Framstuðarinn horfinn í morgun: „Ég á enga óvini svo ég viti til“ Innlent Svefnlyf ávanabindandi og auki hættu á heilabilun Innlent Tveir kaflar að Látrabjargi lagfærðir fyrir almyrkvann Innlent „Núna reynir auðvitað á Rússa“ Innlent Maður handtekinn en kona flúði í máli sem tengist andlátinu Innlent Nokkur hinna handteknu tengjast tálbeituhópum Innlent Úkraína samþykkir tillögu um vopnahlé Erlent Bræður og mamma þeirra svara til saka í tugmilljóna máli Innlent Stúlkan er fundin Innlent