Not in it to be cool or to meet girls 27. nóvember 2006 10:03 Icelandic rock fans are waiting in anticipation for the concert of San Francisco band the Brian Jonestown Massacre this Wednesday night. Anna Margrét Björnsson has met charming and unusual frontman Anton Newcombe on a couple of occasions in Iceland and interviewed him via her computer, as he's not too fond of talking to journalists.For the unfortunates of Iceland who haven't heard of BJM, how would you explain your sound? I like to describe it as modern folk-rock...but it has a lot of minimalist elements.psychedelic,but not blues based at's thoughtful,and romantic,childlike and is our music.Where do you live when you're not on tour? I live in Manhattan NYC.I don't like it.I want to live in the summer house of Henrik ( frontman of Singapore Sling- ed) and write books. But that would mean you would have to stay in a i'll think of something else.While the BJM has a very distinctive sound, you"re not afraid for it to show where you"re inspirations come from, like on ...And this is our music, you write after each song what or who it was that inspired you. Do people put too much emphasis on being "original" or "different", while sacrificing the songs themselves? Taking alot of different aspects of art and life that inspire and placing them in a context that is uniquly yours is what great art is about.Do you think there"s a lot of dishonesty in music? Business-wise yes...but there is a fair amount of truth aswell.i have my own reasons for working in this medium,and they nothing to do with looking cool or meeting girls or something. For me it is like a magic machine where i put in sad feelings and they come out beautiful feelings.we need that in our world.You don't spend a lot of time polishing your sound. I like that. Maybe people should spend more time on ideas and songs than polishing, no? Do you polish your shoes? No I don't...well,sometimes at the airport.My recordings are conceptual in nature,the live set is more thought-out.i stop working on a recording when I feel like it triggers my imagination.Do you have a favourite BJM record?No,not really.i hope you will mention that all of our music is free on our website...people can check it out.From what I'm to believe, you have been touring like crazy for over a decade and recording more albums than most bands will ever record in their lifetime... Have you ever felt you wanted to stop? Do you ever get thoughts of doubt? Like i said,i would like to live in a place like the summerhouse.I have doubts i could do that at the lake in Iceland.but really,I try my best and i don't mind working hard.It's good for a person like me to have alot of things going on.I end up being to tired to get into trouble.I heard Courtney Taylor got Kung-Fu lessons so that he could beat up Joel Gion for taking the piss out of him. True or false?That's what he says...he feels hurt by the whole thing...i'm not involved in that. Joel laughed when I read this question out loud.I won't let those guys hurt eachother.Anything you"d like to say about Dig?No,not really...i don't care about it at all. I care about my government being out of control,and how people around the world react to it. I was pleased to read the us is closing down the airbase in Iceland.Dig shows you as a very self-destructive individual.Is that bullshit?I stayed at your grandmother's house with your cousins and drove around with your mom . What do you think?On your Myspace you post a lot of negative stuff about George W. Bush. Do you get a lot of comments back? Oh yes.people are stupid,but the fact is...I don't think it's a bad thing to repost articals from the New York Times about some of this criminal activity.I'm civic minded.i want a better world.Are you political , or/ and religious? I'm spiritual.What was the last record you bought?I don't buy records...well some for Dj-ing...people give me stuff and i download.What do you think of the Icelandic music scene? Is there one? I love know that i bring bands to play with that. There is an icelandic sense of sillyness that comes out in a lot of the art.Have you tried any Icelandic specialities? What like smoked puffin? Cured sheep? I like hardfiskur.Could you ever imagine living in Iceland ? I really want to. I have a simple plan to create business there,and keep the money there. If i could..ithink i would love it. And there are alot of talented people.Do you have a mantra that you say to yourself every day? "I want to do something great with my life."You've been to Reykjavik several times now, what are your favourite places, activities? You know the answere to that.Sirkus and looking at beautiful people. Actually,i like it when we can go out to the lake,cook food and talk by the's peaceful.I need that in my life.What are your expectations for the concert next Wednesday? I'm just excited to see my friends.I want people to enjoy it because life is tough.Any final words? Take care of the people you love.BJM will be playing at NASA, Reykjavik, on Wednesday November 29th at 8.30. Opening acts are Jakobínarína and Singapore Sling. Tickets available at Tólf Tónar. Feature Articles Music and Nightlife News in English Mest lesið Bræður og mamma þeirra svara til saka í tugmilljóna máli Innlent „Þetta er bara klúður“ Innlent Heiða liggur enn undir feldi Innlent „Ég stóð með ykkur, ég stóð með ykkur!“ Innlent Hópnauðgunarmál fyrir Hæstarétt Innlent Fær að skila eftirlíkingunni til Páls í Pólaris Innlent Eldur í olíuflutningaskipi eftir árekstur við flutningaskip í Norðursjó Erlent Kaninn selur langmest af vopnum en framtíðin óviss Erlent Ætla að hlífa trjám þegar golfbrautir verða mótaðar á skógræktarsvæði Innlent Íslendingur á áttræðisaldri lést í slysinu í Berufirði Innlent
Icelandic rock fans are waiting in anticipation for the concert of San Francisco band the Brian Jonestown Massacre this Wednesday night. Anna Margrét Björnsson has met charming and unusual frontman Anton Newcombe on a couple of occasions in Iceland and interviewed him via her computer, as he's not too fond of talking to journalists.For the unfortunates of Iceland who haven't heard of BJM, how would you explain your sound? I like to describe it as modern folk-rock...but it has a lot of minimalist elements.psychedelic,but not blues based at's thoughtful,and romantic,childlike and is our music.Where do you live when you're not on tour? I live in Manhattan NYC.I don't like it.I want to live in the summer house of Henrik ( frontman of Singapore Sling- ed) and write books. But that would mean you would have to stay in a i'll think of something else.While the BJM has a very distinctive sound, you"re not afraid for it to show where you"re inspirations come from, like on ...And this is our music, you write after each song what or who it was that inspired you. Do people put too much emphasis on being "original" or "different", while sacrificing the songs themselves? Taking alot of different aspects of art and life that inspire and placing them in a context that is uniquly yours is what great art is about.Do you think there"s a lot of dishonesty in music? Business-wise yes...but there is a fair amount of truth aswell.i have my own reasons for working in this medium,and they nothing to do with looking cool or meeting girls or something. For me it is like a magic machine where i put in sad feelings and they come out beautiful feelings.we need that in our world.You don't spend a lot of time polishing your sound. I like that. Maybe people should spend more time on ideas and songs than polishing, no? Do you polish your shoes? No I don't...well,sometimes at the airport.My recordings are conceptual in nature,the live set is more thought-out.i stop working on a recording when I feel like it triggers my imagination.Do you have a favourite BJM record?No,not really.i hope you will mention that all of our music is free on our website...people can check it out.From what I'm to believe, you have been touring like crazy for over a decade and recording more albums than most bands will ever record in their lifetime... Have you ever felt you wanted to stop? Do you ever get thoughts of doubt? Like i said,i would like to live in a place like the summerhouse.I have doubts i could do that at the lake in Iceland.but really,I try my best and i don't mind working hard.It's good for a person like me to have alot of things going on.I end up being to tired to get into trouble.I heard Courtney Taylor got Kung-Fu lessons so that he could beat up Joel Gion for taking the piss out of him. True or false?That's what he says...he feels hurt by the whole thing...i'm not involved in that. Joel laughed when I read this question out loud.I won't let those guys hurt eachother.Anything you"d like to say about Dig?No,not really...i don't care about it at all. I care about my government being out of control,and how people around the world react to it. I was pleased to read the us is closing down the airbase in Iceland.Dig shows you as a very self-destructive individual.Is that bullshit?I stayed at your grandmother's house with your cousins and drove around with your mom . What do you think?On your Myspace you post a lot of negative stuff about George W. Bush. Do you get a lot of comments back? Oh yes.people are stupid,but the fact is...I don't think it's a bad thing to repost articals from the New York Times about some of this criminal activity.I'm civic minded.i want a better world.Are you political , or/ and religious? I'm spiritual.What was the last record you bought?I don't buy records...well some for Dj-ing...people give me stuff and i download.What do you think of the Icelandic music scene? Is there one? I love know that i bring bands to play with that. There is an icelandic sense of sillyness that comes out in a lot of the art.Have you tried any Icelandic specialities? What like smoked puffin? Cured sheep? I like hardfiskur.Could you ever imagine living in Iceland ? I really want to. I have a simple plan to create business there,and keep the money there. If i could..ithink i would love it. And there are alot of talented people.Do you have a mantra that you say to yourself every day? "I want to do something great with my life."You've been to Reykjavik several times now, what are your favourite places, activities? You know the answere to that.Sirkus and looking at beautiful people. Actually,i like it when we can go out to the lake,cook food and talk by the's peaceful.I need that in my life.What are your expectations for the concert next Wednesday? I'm just excited to see my friends.I want people to enjoy it because life is tough.Any final words? Take care of the people you love.BJM will be playing at NASA, Reykjavik, on Wednesday November 29th at 8.30. Opening acts are Jakobínarína and Singapore Sling. Tickets available at Tólf Tónar.
Feature Articles Music and Nightlife News in English Mest lesið Bræður og mamma þeirra svara til saka í tugmilljóna máli Innlent „Þetta er bara klúður“ Innlent Heiða liggur enn undir feldi Innlent „Ég stóð með ykkur, ég stóð með ykkur!“ Innlent Hópnauðgunarmál fyrir Hæstarétt Innlent Fær að skila eftirlíkingunni til Páls í Pólaris Innlent Eldur í olíuflutningaskipi eftir árekstur við flutningaskip í Norðursjó Erlent Kaninn selur langmest af vopnum en framtíðin óviss Erlent Ætla að hlífa trjám þegar golfbrautir verða mótaðar á skógræktarsvæði Innlent Íslendingur á áttræðisaldri lést í slysinu í Berufirði Innlent