Bjarni and the iron lady Ian McDonald skrifar 30. ágúst 2023 08:30 I write the following as someone raised in a working class family in the north of England. A place where the name of Margaret Thatcher is spoken with revulsion, hatred and contempt for what she did to our communities, our country, and the working class as a whole. If you were to look into the hearts of those of us from the north of England, you would see three things: A strong cup of tea. A nice plate of curry and chips A burning pyre with an effigy of Margaret Thatcher resting on top. To see Bjarni Benediktsson unabashedly indulging in the acquisition of Margaret Thatcher memorabilia is a deeply unsettling and jarring spectacle, and something I take personally. This behaviour casts an ominous pall over the intentions and values of these leaders, exposing a level of audacious insensitivity that demands scrutiny. Margaret Thatcher remains a figure whose legacy remains indelibly etched in societal strife. The unapologetic veneration of her image by politicians is an act that raises a litany of disconcerting questions about their loyalties and the nightmarish path they are poised to tread. Margaret Thatcher's enduring legacy is inextricable from her relentless crusade against unions and her ruthless gutting of welfare programs. Her approach transcended the bounds of pragmatic reform, morphing into an onslaught against the rights of the working class and the social safety nets that the most vulnerable relied upon. The repercussions of these policies persist, as economic disparities persistently haunt our modern landscape. The audacity of politicians pursuing Thatcher memorabilia transcends mere personal eccentricity; it is an alarming endorsement of her ruinous policies. The Thatcherite doctrine of deregulation and privatization erected barriers between the privileged and the oppressed, fomenting societal discord and perpetuating the chasms of economic inequality. It sends an unsettling signal about their intentions. Are they paying homage to history, or are they surreptitiously courting a constituency that fervently craves a return to a time when the elite reigned supreme and the cries of the marginalized fell on deaf ears? By endorsing a character like Thatcher, Bjarni is showing that he (like her) will not rest until the working poor are consigned to nothing but poverty and misery, unions are gutted, and every essential aspect of society is stripped for parts and sold to the highest bidder. Most likely his family and friends. As a proud working class Mancunian, I cannot and will not stand by and let that happen. The author is a manufacturing worker. Viltu birta grein á Vísi? Sendu okkur póst. Senda grein Sjálfstæðisflokkurinn Mest lesið Gunnar Smári hvað er hann? Birgir Dýrfjörð Skoðun Ísland er leiðandi ljós og hvatning til fjölmiðla Hrönn Egilsdóttir Skoðun Bakpokinn sem þyngist aðeins hjá öðrum Inga Sæland Skoðun Örlög Íslendinga og u-beygja áhrifamesta fjármálamanns heims Snorri Másson Skoðun Ég kýs Magnús Karl sem rektor Bylgja Hilmarsdóttir Skoðun Mataræði í stóra samhengi lífsins Birna Þórisdóttir Skoðun Björn Þorsteinsson as Rector - A visionary leader uniting disciplines and driving innovation Marianne Elisabeth Klinke Skoðun Um Ingibjörgu Gunnarsdóttur – ferill að rektorskjöri Rúnar Unnþórsson,Þórhallur Ingi Halldórsson Skoðun Nei, við skulum ekki kaupa handa þeim fleiri vopn Haraldur Ólafsson Skoðun Jóhann Páll: Vertu í liði með náttúrunni ekki gegn henni Guðmundur Ingi Guðbrandsson Skoðun Skoðun Skoðun Gunnar Smári hvað er hann? Birgir Dýrfjörð skrifar Skoðun Um Ingibjörgu Gunnarsdóttur – ferill að rektorskjöri Rúnar Unnþórsson,Þórhallur Ingi Halldórsson skrifar Skoðun Ísland er leiðandi ljós og hvatning til fjölmiðla Hrönn Egilsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Forvarnir á ferð Erlingur Sigvaldason skrifar Skoðun Vertu meðbyr mannúðar Birna Þórarinsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Fegurð sem breytir skólum Einar Mikael Sverrisson skrifar Skoðun Það læra börnin sem fyrir þeim er haft Sigurður Örn Hilmarsson skrifar Skoðun Björn Þorsteinsson as Rector - A visionary leader uniting disciplines and driving innovation Marianne Elisabeth Klinke skrifar Skoðun Verður Frelsið fullveldinu að bráð? Anton Guðmundsson skrifar Skoðun Til rektorsframbjóðenda: Hvað gerir nýr rektor HÍ við Endurmenntun? Ólafur Stephensen skrifar Skoðun Mataræði í stóra samhengi lífsins Birna Þórisdóttir skrifar Skoðun Hvað varð um loftslagsmálin? Kamma Thordarson skrifar Skoðun Bakpokinn sem þyngist aðeins hjá öðrum Inga Sæland skrifar Skoðun Örlög Íslendinga og u-beygja áhrifamesta fjármálamanns heims Snorri Másson skrifar Skoðun Ég kýs Magnús Karl sem rektor Bylgja Hilmarsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Jóhann Páll: Vertu í liði með náttúrunni ekki gegn henni Guðmundur Ingi Guðbrandsson skrifar Skoðun Tífalt hærri vextir, meiri skuldir - menntastefna stjórnvalda? Júlíus Viggó Ólafsson,Vilhjálmur Hilmarsson skrifar Skoðun Lífið gefur engan afslátt Davíð Bergmann skrifar Skoðun Kolbrún Pálsdóttir sem næsti rektor HÍ Árni Guðmundsson skrifar Skoðun Vitskert veröld Einar Helgason skrifar Skoðun Draumurinn um hið fullkomna öryggisnet Signý Jóhannesdóttir skrifar Skoðun Sönnunarbyrði og hagsmunaárekstur Arnar Sigurðsson skrifar Skoðun Sem doktorsnemi styð ég Silju Báru til Rektors Háskóla Íslands Eva Jörgensen skrifar Skoðun Sterk og breið samtök – tími til að styrkja rödd minni fyrirtækja Friðrik Árnason skrifar Skoðun Nýjar ráðleggingar um mataræði María Heimisdóttir skrifar Skoðun Börn með fjölþættan vanda Kolbrún Áslaugar Baldursdóttir skrifar Skoðun Hvalveiðar eru slæmar fyrir ímynd Íslands Clive Stacey skrifar Skoðun Netöryggi á krossgötum: Hvernig tryggjum við íslenska innviði? Heimir Fannar Gunnlaugsson skrifar Skoðun Í heimi sem samþykkir þjóðarmorð er ekkert jafnrétti Najlaa Attaallah skrifar Skoðun Heilinn okkar og klukka lífsins Birna V. Baldursdóttir ,Heiðdís B. Valdimarsdóttir skrifar Sjá meira
I write the following as someone raised in a working class family in the north of England. A place where the name of Margaret Thatcher is spoken with revulsion, hatred and contempt for what she did to our communities, our country, and the working class as a whole. If you were to look into the hearts of those of us from the north of England, you would see three things: A strong cup of tea. A nice plate of curry and chips A burning pyre with an effigy of Margaret Thatcher resting on top. To see Bjarni Benediktsson unabashedly indulging in the acquisition of Margaret Thatcher memorabilia is a deeply unsettling and jarring spectacle, and something I take personally. This behaviour casts an ominous pall over the intentions and values of these leaders, exposing a level of audacious insensitivity that demands scrutiny. Margaret Thatcher remains a figure whose legacy remains indelibly etched in societal strife. The unapologetic veneration of her image by politicians is an act that raises a litany of disconcerting questions about their loyalties and the nightmarish path they are poised to tread. Margaret Thatcher's enduring legacy is inextricable from her relentless crusade against unions and her ruthless gutting of welfare programs. Her approach transcended the bounds of pragmatic reform, morphing into an onslaught against the rights of the working class and the social safety nets that the most vulnerable relied upon. The repercussions of these policies persist, as economic disparities persistently haunt our modern landscape. The audacity of politicians pursuing Thatcher memorabilia transcends mere personal eccentricity; it is an alarming endorsement of her ruinous policies. The Thatcherite doctrine of deregulation and privatization erected barriers between the privileged and the oppressed, fomenting societal discord and perpetuating the chasms of economic inequality. It sends an unsettling signal about their intentions. Are they paying homage to history, or are they surreptitiously courting a constituency that fervently craves a return to a time when the elite reigned supreme and the cries of the marginalized fell on deaf ears? By endorsing a character like Thatcher, Bjarni is showing that he (like her) will not rest until the working poor are consigned to nothing but poverty and misery, unions are gutted, and every essential aspect of society is stripped for parts and sold to the highest bidder. Most likely his family and friends. As a proud working class Mancunian, I cannot and will not stand by and let that happen. The author is a manufacturing worker.
Björn Þorsteinsson as Rector - A visionary leader uniting disciplines and driving innovation Marianne Elisabeth Klinke Skoðun
Um Ingibjörgu Gunnarsdóttur – ferill að rektorskjöri Rúnar Unnþórsson,Þórhallur Ingi Halldórsson Skoðun
Skoðun Um Ingibjörgu Gunnarsdóttur – ferill að rektorskjöri Rúnar Unnþórsson,Þórhallur Ingi Halldórsson skrifar
Skoðun Björn Þorsteinsson as Rector - A visionary leader uniting disciplines and driving innovation Marianne Elisabeth Klinke skrifar
Skoðun Til rektorsframbjóðenda: Hvað gerir nýr rektor HÍ við Endurmenntun? Ólafur Stephensen skrifar
Skoðun Tífalt hærri vextir, meiri skuldir - menntastefna stjórnvalda? Júlíus Viggó Ólafsson,Vilhjálmur Hilmarsson skrifar
Skoðun Netöryggi á krossgötum: Hvernig tryggjum við íslenska innviði? Heimir Fannar Gunnlaugsson skrifar
Björn Þorsteinsson as Rector - A visionary leader uniting disciplines and driving innovation Marianne Elisabeth Klinke Skoðun
Um Ingibjörgu Gunnarsdóttur – ferill að rektorskjöri Rúnar Unnþórsson,Þórhallur Ingi Halldórsson Skoðun